Audience feedback
What do you think of the flashbacks that appear throughout the sequence?
Person 1: 'I like them, they look edgy'
Person 2: 'They really made me wonder what was going on and added tension'
Person 3: 'I particularly liked the ones which appear when the man is walking down the corridor, they're good'
What do you think of the name 'VISION PRODUCTIONS' instead of 'TIE PRODUCTIONS'?
Person 1: 'It sounds more professional'
Person 2: 'The new title fits with the video of the eye more'
Person 3: 'I think that both or good but I do prefer vision productions as it sounds like it could be an actual company and will be easily remembered'
Do you think there are any parts which need to be re-filmed?
Person 1: 'Maybe the part with the doorbell, I could see a reflection in the window'
Person 2: 'It would be beneficial to refilm the part with the doorbell and the shot of the house'
Person 3: 'The shot at the start seemed to lag a bit but it was still good'
What do you think about the titles?
Person 1: 'They look strange, in a good way so catch your eye'
Person 2: 'I like the simple colour as it contrasts with the dark footage'
Person 3: 'Yeah, I liked them, I think they're effective and fit with the theme of the film'
What do you think to the ending of the sequence?
Person 1: 'Very dramatic, I love it'
Person 2: 'The tension was really built up and the ending was perfect to fit with this'
Person 3: 'It fits in with the thriller film very well'