In the second half of our lesson my group and I focused on titles. So far we haven't really invested much time in to creating titles of a high standard because the main opening sequence footage had been listed as our priority and we want our footage to be complete before we start adding titles over the top. This is also because our titles will appear in certain places and so if we put our titles into place then move and change our footage it will make life a lot more difficult to rearrange and sort it.

For T I E productions, in a previous week we decided on an eye as our company logo and our friend chloe kindly voulenteered to let us use her eye as it is very blue and so stands out. Whilst Emma stayed on the computer editing, Me and Tammy went into the studio with chloe and filmed her opening her eye on my iphone. On reviewing the clip we realised that without a proper camera and tripod this clip wouldn't be usable as it was too shakey but we will sort this next lesson as we ran out of time to film again properly. The one thing we did take from this is that when she kept her eye closed for a long time and then opened it again it dilated which added a cool effect we now want to incorporate into our titles.
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