Friday 8 January 2016

08/01/2016- Free period work

Editing and Titles 
After making good progress with our thriller opening sequence yesterday we were keen to continue this in this mornings work. Sound was our main priority today and within an hour or so we managed to sort out, fading in and out, the added sound effects and sound of our character singing in the mirror. We are now pleased with how our sound has turned out and it all flows nicely so you wouldn't be able to tell certain sounds like the shower and doorbell have been added in after filming. The next thing we need to do in terms of sound is ask Evan, our main actor to come in some time next week and record into a microphone him singing the song 'daisy daisy' and the final word 'Daisy' at the end of the opening sequence. We will then add this into our video and it will sound more clear and of a better quality adding to the professional look.

We also managed to get around to re filming Chloe opening her eye. This was done using a camera, tripod and studio lights this time and we got a much better quality video as a result of not taking short cuts and filming properly.We uploaded this clip to the computer and with the O in productions  made it into a graphic match with the pupil of the eye. However, we decided that this didn't look as good as we'd hoped and so instead placed the company name 'TIE productions' level with the pupil of the eye but in the space next to it rather that on top of this and this looked less amateur and more formal and professional.

Once we'd looked at the titles from start to the actual opening sequence starting we decide that the image of the trees which was placed underneath the production name 'Woodfire productions' didn't really fit with how we wanted it to look and so removed it and changed the font and colour to all white, fitting in with our overall black and white, mysterious but professional theme.

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